I am co-host of the "Open Mic" sessions at the Box Office Brewery
in Strasburg, VA.
Open Mic runs from 6:00-9:00PM on Sundays.
The co-hosts are: Myself, Don Crigler, Paul Tangren, and Joe Martin.
Sign-Up begins at 6:00PM on a first-come basis.
Performers get 3 songs
or a maximum of 15 minutes on stage,
including setup/warm-up time.
Please tune before coming on stage.
No sign-ups after 8PM (host discretion).
No more than two stage appearances during the evening (for both performers and side
No Profanity Please! Keep it PG or PG-13!
Material should be appropriate for ALL audiences.
Be a good audience member. Please keep talking, etc. to a minimum during the
Hosts reserve the right to rearrange the performance sequence
or to close down early for
lack of performers or audience.
Hosts use the house PA and have up to four vocal/instrument mics and/or DI connection.
Keyboard players are welcome to just plug into the PA system. You can also bring
your iPod.
We have the cables to connect it to the PA.